Saturday, January 9, 2021

Be Gentle

 It's been so good to return to campus a few days a week and spend time with my colleagues. In a conversation yesterday, a friend at work asked me if I had set any goals for 2021. Honestly? No. We have some big decisions to make with Brenna this year and a son working hard to graduate on time. I feel like keeping the family boat afloat is about all the goal I can manage. But as she shared a history her husband's family had of setting goals each year: spiritual, financial, personal, physical, it prompted me to pause and reconsider. I decided that my singular goal for this year is to meal plan each month a few weeks at a time and then stick to it. 

I'm not setting goals in each realm this year. I had even doubted grabbing onto a word for the year. But as January has begun and I've watched things continue to unfold around me in my community and nation, the phrase that keeps coming to mind is "Be gentle". 

My goal is to be gentle with myself and others. I will be gentle with myself by allowing time for creativity, thought and writing. I will continue to let go of responsibility for Brenna and see if she is willing to pick it up or not- that will make the decision of our future easier to sort through. I will be gentle by purposely spending time in prayer, seeking His purpose for my day.

I will be gentle with others by listening and not forming my response while they speak, by truly considering their viewpoint and what they are trying to express to me.

That's it. And maybe try to walk the dog- she's good about reminding me to do that though. Did you set any goals this year, or decide not to? I'd love to hear about what any plans - or a decision not to plan- looks like for you.

Philippians 4:5

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

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