Friday, January 11, 2013


Brenna has been looking forward to her doctor appointment for weeks. Whenever she gets to go in for a routine checkup and have someone's undivided attention for 15 minutes or more, she is in heaven. I had the paper in hand, ready to jump through the hoop to get the signature for her Special Olympics participation form, only to find that she could only have one physical a year. She enters 6th grade in the fall and will need a physical and series of shots for that--- the doctor suggested that we take care of it today.

I have had cold sweats off and on for the better part of a year anticipating the 6th grade physical appointment. Brenna is 3 inches shorter than I am and nearly weighs the same. When she was little, I could hold her still, later on I could sit on her. Now, it's dicey.

He finished the exam and said. "Okay ladies, the nurse will be in with the shots in just a moment."
"Sharks?" Brenna queried, looking at the marine life poster on the wall, sure that she had just misunderstood and that he was again bringing up the shark she saw on vacation last year. I let the door close before I broke the news.

"No, honey, not sharks, "shots". You need a shot to go to 6th grade at Jefferson. You want to go to 6th grade next year, right?"

She whimpered a "no" and her lower lip trembled. This was the pits. How many nurses would it take to help Brenna get her shot? It was like an intro to a bad joke. One nurse later, one very kind, patient nurse later, we had three shots in two arms and were on our way to McDonalds to celebrate. I didn't have to sit on her, I didn't have to call in reinforcements-- it was nothing short of amazing.

At McDonalds she sidled onto a tall stool, seated just inches from strangers on each side. Brenna was completely comfortable sitting by three strange men on either side of us. She echoed what one man said to start a conversation and laughed when Henry ate his pickles. Sometimes I think she has better social skills than I do.

Sometimes it's nice not to know what is ahead, whether it's shots or having a child with special needs, a medical crisis or death in the family. It's nice not to know. It's good to take a day at face value and simply live it.

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